About Rocket CSS

Learn more about Rocket CSS, how it started and how it aims to be different from other mainstream CSS frameworks.

How Rocket CSS is different

Rocket CSS is a small, lightweight CSS-only framework that allows you to quickly build web applications without the hassle of remembering 1,000s of classes. Unlike other CSS frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap, Rocket CSS comes with a handful of simple components which makes it easier to integrate Rocket CSS into an existing site.

Rocket CSS features


All our components are lightweight.

Rocket CSS - Lightweight components

Pure CSS / No JS

A CSS only framework.

Rocket CSS - CSS only, no JS

Built with Flexbox

No more static layouts.

Rocket CSS - Flexbox CSS framework

The fastest CSS framework documentation

Unlike other CSS frameworks, our documentation is super fast thanks to Vue JS. We utilise Nuxt JS which extends and provides a boilerplate for building SPAs, great for building out documentation for Rocket CSS.